this poem is about me
And when he reads a book just to escape
Sometimes I see him watch a movie, in a theater or at home
He analyzes and thinks
He teaches as though he has a gift
Because he does
His stories entertain, he is the center of the room’s life
He is funny, he is hilarious, and he loves his grammar
But he discusses deeply at just the right times
And gives plenty of second chances
His daily life is an example of how he emulates Christ
I see myself in the way she genuinely serves in a sensitive way
But then overthinks just to say she doesn’t care anyway
She plans and plans
And excels as she loves deeply
Needing validation but confident in who she is
She is a night owl, thinking a lot before bed
People love her company, but she doesn’t even realize
Her dramatized stories are everyone’s favorite thing
And her laugh makes me smile
She desires to do her best but doesn’t give herself enough credit
And I know she loves God by the way she helps, she helps everyone
What a marvelous thing!
To see myself in each one of these ways
To be the perfect combination between father and mother
To realize there is more of them in me to discover
To know they love me
Maybe more than I love them
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