Hendrickson Homestead feat. the Cereal Anomaly & Adolfo's Adventure

Curran and Luke graduated!! Curran left Thurston Middle School for Laguna Beach High School, and Luke promoted from Top of the World Elementary School for Thurston Middle School! I still can’t believe my little brothers are growing up. Curran is not so little anymore though. As the tallest member of our family, he is often mistaken for a college student older than me. At Luke’s graduation I felt more comfortable at the children’s lunch tables because my feet could actually reach the ground. Curran couldn’t fit his knees under the table. On the way home from graduation, Mom was clearly helping Dad out with his driving. She was sitting in the back with me, and Father replied, “Now you actually are in the back seat!” I am also very proud for Luke reading Harry 
Potter, a series all children should read.

When I’m not babysitting, I’m going on dinner/dessert dates with Luke or Mom or both! Phoebe is also my constant buddy. She enjoys our new hobby of scrapbooking. She also likes cuddling while watching attractive Patrick Jane solving murder mysteries on The Mentalist. (Side note: It’s a sad thing when you start recognizing extras in different Netflix shows…) When Phoebe and I watch late night Netflix, I always eat a bowl of cereal. Before going to college, I never would have done that, but my friends converted me to late night cereal. Although a silly example, this new cereal habit shows how friends can rub off on you and change your habits. Choose your friends wisely! You become like those you hang out with the most!

On Saturday, my friend Perry and I went to the Newport Beach temple for baptisms. I felt so blessed to feel the peace the temple brings in my life and the stress it eliminates. Sometimes it’s not inside the temple where I feel peace, but when I leave. When I leave, I feel more determined and a greater desire to be obedient. It is then that I feel at peace, and I feel the Spirit. After the temple, we treated ourselves to a lunch at Adolfo’s, one of the many Mexican places in Laguna Beach. Normally after going to the temple, I change into jeans because skirts are somewhat inconvenient, but I last minute decided to stay in my skirt. I’m glad I did though because this cute little old lady that works at Adolfo’s came up to us and asked us if we just came from church. We said yes and told her we went to the one across from the high school when she asked. She told us that she went to church too, and that she tries to do the right thing because she wants to go to heaven and do what feels right in her heart. She was the cutest old lady, and I loved talking to her about church, even if it was for a short time. I’m so glad I did not change out of my church clothes because I was recognized as a representative of Christ. I was recognized as a churchgoer because of my outward appearance. It made me excited for my mission for when I always am recognized as an LDS missionary. This little experience just taught me that I never know who is watching my example and my actions. I must always act as Christ would want me to as I love others and serve Him. Plus, I think Adolfo’s sometimes gives the sister missionaries free food, but that may be a pleasant rumor.


  1. Hahah! I like the pictures and the missionary story! You're so great! Also, pheobe gets her own tag? Haha!

  2. I love this post! I like how the old lady came up to you guys at Adolfos! (P.S. I think i might read the Harry Potter series again)


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