Why a Mission??

The other Sunday, someone asked me, “Why are you going on a mission?” And that question made me pause for a second. Why am I going on a mission? I have a million and one feelings about serving a mission, but I had no idea how to convey them in that moment. In order to express why I want to go on a mission, I thought I should first share the experience that determined whether or not I should go.

Girls aren’t expected to go on missions, but I have chosen to go on one. Before I left for BYU last August, I wasn’t sure if I should go on one, and to be honest, I kind of didn’t want to. I told my mom about not being sure, and she told me at the beginning of my college year to pray to be guided by the Spirit to receive some type of confirmation sometime during the year. It didn’t have to be soon, but she told me to just be aware of the Spirit. I knew that in order to receive my answer, I needed to be aware of the spirit and be worthy to receive its promptings. 
And I was. But nothing really seemed to happen. And I was ok with that. I knew that I didn’t have to know right away. I still prayed and tried to follow the Spirit’s promptings. During this first semester at BYU, I received some good advice from a friend on a mission. Here’s part of what she said:

“Sometimes Heavenly Father waits for us to make our own decisions, and then ask Him if it’s right before He answers us. Lots of times we don’t get answers to prayers because we are asking Him, what should I do? instead of, this is the decision I’ve made, what do you think?
Then I’ve found that He will answer you in one of three ways:
If it is right, He will give you peace and comfort meaning yes!
If it’s not, you won’t feel settled or comfortable or happy, meaning no.
And sometimes, He answers by not answering us right then. Sometimes, He waits. And when He waits, that is when He expects us to keep moving forward with that decision. That is His way of saying, I trust you. Do what you think is right. And then He will bless you along the way with the yes's and no's you need to keep you going the right direction.
Sometimes this process is hard and long, but I KNOW that He will answer you and you will know what to do when the time comes :)
My advice would be to prayerfully make your decision. Yes or no about a mission, and then run with it. All the while asking Heavenly Father if that is right. And I promise He will tell you.”

That email really stuck with me, and I really felt the Spirit concerning those words. I won’t go into the details, but during my first semester at BYU, I had a wonderful experience. I listened to a devotional from Elder David F. Evans, and he spoke about tenacity. He defined it as the absolute determination to stick to a task despite all trials. He said when you serve in any way, as a missionary or at home, tenacity will be necessary. He reminded us that a mission will not be easy—all will be discouraged at one point or another. Persistence, perseverance, and stubborn determination will be necessary. Some missionaries let fears of rejection make them forget the boldness of the Spirit and gospel they once felt.  No matter what, I need to have faith in God’s promises and do what is right. When I need to make a decision, I need to study it out in my mind and make a decision, then come to the Lord with the decision with a determination to complete it.  The Lord will confirm if it is right. Elder Evans also shared the common scripture from 1 Nephi 4 that says, “And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do” (verse six).  But then he continued to verse seven: “Nevertheless I went forth…” If I feel that my decision is right and move forward, Heavenly Father will trust in me that I will follow the Spirit’s promptings.  Elder Evans said that if you care enough to go through the process of seeking God’s will, He will care enough to give you an answer. 

With the Spirit I felt from that devotional, I sincerely prayed to my Heavenly Father. That prayer is near and dear to my heart, so I will not go into the personal details of it, but it was then that I realized I wanted and needed to serve a mission. I still had a while before I turned nineteen, but my dedication to preparing myself was what I needed in my life. I am so grateful for this gospel, and I know that one of the best ways to show gratitude is through service. And what better way to serve my Lord and His children than through a mission? I’m so grateful that I was spiritually ready to listen to this devotional from Elder Evans. There have been many times where I was not spiritually aware during church events, and I’m sure I’ve missed spiritual experiences which I could of had. I’m glad I did not miss this great spiritual experience, because Elder Evans’ words were exactly what I needed to hear. I’m so grateful for the blessings of this gospel, and I want to share this knowledge with other people, the knowledge that families can be forever, the knowledge of faith and hope, the knowledge that the Savior understands fully and completely my trials and pains. I know that Jesus Christ has comforted me through troubling trials, and I want others to feel of this testimony, too. I can’t wait to serve a mission. I’m scared, terrified, really, but I know this is what I have to prepare for.

The reason I want to serve a mission is to share this testimony with other people. I want to serve a mission because I want others to feel the spirit of Christ and to receive the knowledge of eternal families and of the Atonement. I know this Church is true. I can’t wait to develop my testimony as I serve my mission.

Want to know more?? Visit www.mormon.org


  1. Oh Jamie! I'm so grateful for YOU! You are so great and I can't wait to hear where the Lord needs you to serve!


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