August Additions
Here's some selfies, snapshots, and snarky comments of my life you might have missed this past month:
Aspen Grove 2015 "Monkey see...monkey do better!"
I believe I'm 4'11'' (yes, I still am below five feet, I checked last time I was at the doctor as I completed my physical for my mission papers!) because then I'm better able to play with the little cousins (who are basically my faves).
Speaking of my mission papers, they were submitted LAST Monday...I can't concentrate on anything. So many random people in my classes know I'm waiting for them...My favorite is when they say, "Let me know when you find out!" Girl, I probs won't ever sit next to you again, but, yeah, sure, whatevs. (*Note how I said girl...I'm too scared to sit next to boys. Marriage will definietly not be a temptation when I actually receive my call.)

People think Curran is the one in college and that I'm the fourteen-year old going into high school.
These kids braved the ropes course to the left of this babbling brook. I've never even done it. *embarrassed emoji*
My three favorites: Corrie, Brooke, and ram

"If rainbows truly do produce a pot of gold at their endpoint, I would definitely share my pot with these kids. Unless the Lucky Charms leprechaun gets to it first. But that dude is way short (shorter than me, if you can believe it), and, I'm guessing, extremely weak, so don't worry. That pot is good as theirs."
Other sky miracles: for over an hour, we watched a meteor shower...I love the stars! Especially shooting ones. (See the last post!)

While in Utah (for the third time this summer, if you can believe it), I read President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's wonderful talk "Lord, Is It I?" (at the recommendation of my dear friend on the mish) Read it. It will change your life. Here's a section from the talk:
A Parable of Dandelions
Once there was man who enjoyed taking evening walks around his neighborhood. He particularly looked forward to walking past his neighbor's house. This neighbor kept his lawn perfectly manicured, flowers always in bloom, the trees healthy and shady. It was obvious that the neighbor made every effort to have a beautiful lawn.
But one day as the man was walking past his neighbor's house, he noticed in the middle of this beautiful lawn a single, enormous, yellow dandelion weed.
It looked so out of place that it surprised him. Why didn't his neighbor pull it out? Couldn't he see it? Didn't he know that the dandelion could cast seeds that could give root to dozens of additional weeds?
These thoughts totally occupied his mind as he walked toward his own home. He entered his house without even glancing at his own front yard -- which was blanketed with hundreds of yellow dandelions.

Just call me Katniss Everdeen or Robin Hood or Legolas or Merida or Oliver get the idea...
Also, this is an ode to my long hair...Look how long it is in all these pictures! I chopped off most of it! I miss the pretty longness, but I actually love how short it is when I put it up in a bun at the end of every day...lazy girl style ;)
Faith and I met up in Provo for yummy food to celebrate her 19th birthday!! We also went shopping for missionary clothes. So exciting! (Did I mention I'm waiting for my call?! I can't wait to take Faith's tips on clothes and get cute outfits like her!)

Other news:
Sawdust Festival with my mama!
Phoebe is a dog after my own heart...she doesn't care about anything. Curran put this hat on her, and she then lay down with no effort to kick the hat off until I called her over. Even then, it took her a while. She also received surgery last week, but she's doing fine now!
I got my wisdom teeth out...for my mission! (And because the dentist said I had to, but who cares what the dentist thinks because I'M GOING ON A MISSION!)
After the surgery, I yelled at my dad for buying me jello. Those two things have no correlation...
Scripture of the month (aka one of my faves):
Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul.
Do not anger again because of mine enemies. Do not slacken my strength because of mine afflictions.
Rejoice, O my heart, and cry unto the Lord, and say: O Lord, I will praise thee forever; yea, my soul will rejoice in thee, my God, and the rock of my salvation.
{2 Nephi 4:28-30}
Bahaha! I love the pictures! Woohoo for your mission!!!!! ahh! i wish I was there to scream and get excited about it! (bahaha to "girl, i probs won't ever sit next to you again" and the lucky charms thing... I am glad you are not giving pot to anyone.) you look so pretty in all of your pictures! Im glad phoebe is doing well and I love that scripture! you are so great Jamie!