All dynasties must come to an end.
And today was one of those days where a
kingdom fell.
A castle came under
Friendships were threatened.
Games were lost.
Don’t worry, this dynasty was not my own, why
would I record that great tragedy?
won’t ever happen though, so don’t ever expect that blog post!)
But rather this loss was great for the mighty
Megan Hodgman.
This brazen Boggle
battler lost her title as the ultimate Boggle queen.
It was an uphill battle, but I finally won.
Yes, that is correct.
I beat her.
I earned the winning score for Boggle.
(Some may argue that a certain Lindsay Esser tied my score, but it is
clear I had one more point than her…thank you “rep” and “reps.” Don’t think
those are words?
Consult the Scrabble
Plus I’m the one
writing the history, am I right?)
I just
wanted to take this moment to record this ultimate win.
Here is a picture of one of the first times
Megan and I played Boggle.
Plus another
picture from the same night
there is a slight hint of Matt Hodgman in this post, and he has risen again. he now rules all Risk. I shall rise again!